Ready to start with


Choose the package that suits you.

Package Fees

Pro Plus



Course Programme

Downloadable Course Materials and Certificate (+ free access

to course updates for Elite, Elite

Plus, and Mastermind Only)

Development Tools

Access to Testing Tools & Personal

Development Resources


Inclusive Personal Sessions

Group Sessions or 1-on-1 Sessions included in package




Course Programme

Downloadable Course Materials and Certificates (+ free access to course updates for Elite, Elite Plus, and Mastermind Only)

Development Tools

Access to Testing Tools & Personal

Development Resources

Participation Report

Detailed progress reports on your team's participation rate, with insights on login activity, course completion rate, certification status, and more.


Inclusive Personal Sessions

Group Sessions or 1-on-1 Sessions included in package


Elite Plus

Book Free

Consultation Call

Subject to Availability

Course Programme

Downloadable Course Materials and Certificates (+ free access to course updates for Elite, Elite Plus, and Mastermind Only)

Development Tools

Access to Testing Tools & Personal

Development Resources

Participation Report

Detailed progress reports on your team's participation rate, with insights on login activity, course completion rate, certification status, and more.

One-on-One Sessions

Scheduled personal coaching

sessions at client's request


Inclusive Personal Sessions

Group Sessions or 1-on-1 Sessions

included in package

Subject to Availability


Book Free

Consultation Call

Always Available

Course Programme

Downloadable Course Materials and Certificates (+ free access to course updates for Elite, Elite Plus, and Mastermind Only)

Development Tools

Access to Testing Tools & Personal

Development Resources

Participation Report

Detailed progress reports on your team's participation rate, with insights on login activity, course completion rate, certification status, and more.

One-on-One Sessions

Scheduled personal coaching

sessions at client's request

Careers Counselling &

Business Advisory

Access to the Coach for career counselling or business advice on business plans, market strategies, fundraising, and potential access to the Coach's network (at Coach's discretion).

Personal Mentorship

Scheduled personal coaching

sessions at client's request


Inclusive Personal Sessions

Limited spaces per quarter (subject to successful application).

Successful mentees will have full access to the Coach and be able to have special time slots for deeper interactions.

Periodic check-ins by the coach.

Always Available

Ready to start with


Choose the package that suits you.

Package Fees

Pro Plus



Elite (Corporate)



Elite Plus

Book Free Consultation Call

Subject to Availability


Book Free Consultation Call

Course Programme

Downloadable Course Materials and Certificate (+ free access to course updates for Elite, Elite Plus, and Mastermind Only)

Development Tools

Access to Testing Tools & Personal Development Resources

Participation Report

Detailed progress reports on your team's participation rate, with insights on login activity, course completion rate, certification status, and more.


One-on-One Sessions

Scheduled personal coaching sessions at client's request


Careers Counselling & Business Advisory

Access to the Coach for career counselling or business advice on business plans, market strategies, fundraising, and potential access to the Coach's network (at Coach's discretion).


Personal Mentorship

Limited spaces per quarter (subject to successful application). Successful mentees will have full access to the Coach and be able to have special time slots for deeper interactions. Periodic check-ins by the coach.


Inclusive Personal Sessions

Group Sessions or 1-on-1 Sessions included in package


Subject to Availability

On Application

If there’s anything you want to know before getting started, contact us here. We’re happy to help!

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All Rights Reserved.